State police: Amber Alert canceled; boy found unharmed

Roy Chang, Malcolm Hsu, Ryan Lee, Matthew Merino, Gilbert Murillo, Justin Walker and Blake Rogers join Brian Ozawa Burns, Joshua Say, Spencer Tracy, Matthew Maloney and John Hart on Serra's entry in the 13-team major tourney. Serra was one of five

Merino beats Highland to advance to state title. By William Ferguson March 7, 2015. 181 shares. share. tweet KUSA- Merino goes on to win over Highland to advance to the 2A Site 2 State Championship with the final score of 67 to 59.

An AMBER Alert has been activated to assist in locating William Merino, 9 months, Hispanic male child, approximately 24"-30", 20-22 pounds, brown eyes, and black hair. He was last seen wearing a yellow shirt and khaki pants, at 12 South Talmadge Street

In some books William Jarvis has been called an “evangelist” for the Merino sheep, or an early “Ben and Jerry's” of the sheep industry. His history, both as Consul to Portugal and eventually as a resident of Weathersfield, 

AMBER ALERT: NJSP Seek William Merino, 26, After New Brunswick 9-Month-Old Taken At Knifepoint. News. N.Y. State Board: Minimum Wage For Fast-Food Workers Should Go Up. June 29, 2015 9:40 PM. View Comments. In advance of