State of the Union: Obama's greatest hits

“Say a hardworking American loses his job — we shouldn't just make sure he can get unemployment insurance; we should make sure that program encourages him to retrain for a business that's ready to hire him,” Obama said during his State of the Union 

Still, left, right or center, most can agree that the United States of America remains a great nation — one where tech companies want to reinvent the economy and Syrian refugees want to rebuild their lives. So, what sucks about the state of our union

“Say a hardworking American loses his job — we shouldn't just make sure he can get unemployment insurance; we should make sure that program encourages him to retrain for a business that's ready to hire him,” Obama said during his State of the Union 

The Liberty Counsel, which represents Ms. Davis, said she would attend the speech to oppose the Administration's 'trampling of religious liberty.' The Kentucky county clerk has become a hero for same-sex marriage opponents.

“Say a hardworking American loses his job — we shouldn't just make sure he can get unemployment insurance; we should make sure that program encourages him to retrain for a business that's ready to hire him,” Obama said during his State of the Union