Spring Has Sprung! Today's Google Doodle Celebrates the Spring Equinox

Vernal Equinox. Thursday, March 20, 2014. I am so excited today is finally the first day of spring. The weather here has definitely been warming up a little, although I'm sure Ohio will throw us at least one more curve ball before 

Also known as the vernal equinox, the 20 March is the first day of spring. During an equinox, the Earth's north and south poles are not tilted toward or away from the sun. This phenomena occurs twice a year: on 20 March and on 22 September.

Flurries fell early Thursday, but temps were expected to soar to near 60 by Friday. This is when the sun is directly above the Earth's equator and the day and night are of equal length. It occurs twice a year. This year the spring equinox falls on

I still have mounds of snow at my office and home in New York but hey, today is the first day of Spring, also known as the Spring Equinox. Yep, no matter what, on March 20th, in New York and this hemisphere, it is Spring 

It is the long awaited, much anticipated, first day of spring. Unless you were lucky enough to be in California and enjoyed an unseasonably warm winter, this one was particularly brutal. So many days below freezing and