Songs and death threats for Lebanese American porn star Mia Khalifa

una nueva estrella. Se trata de Mia Khalifa, una joven libanesa de 21 años que finalizó el 2014 como la actriz más buscada dentro del sitio “PornHub”, destronando a una histórica referente del ambiente, como Lisa Ann.

21-year old Lebanese pornstar Mia Khalifa grew up in Lebanon before moving to the U.S. Mia Khalifa has joined the growing ranks of Middle Eastern pinups after being crowned the Queen of Pornhub, one of the world's most 

I feel sorry for Mia Khalifa for a number of reasons. First off, Khalifa is receiving death threats after rising to the top of PornHub, as reported by the Independent in their article titled “Pornhub star Mia Khalifa receives death threats after being

Lebanese porn star Mia Khalifa is getting death threats after being named the most popular adult film actress on Born in Beirut, she moved to Maryland with her family at 10 but has made her parents (and much of the Middle East) upset with

Mia Khalifa, 21, who was born in Lebanon but lives in Miami, last week became the most searched star on adult movie site Porn Hub, with more than 1.5 million views, prompting a mix of scorn and praise from Lebanese