Songs and death threats for Lebanese American porn star Mia Khalifa

Having turned 18, Khalifa left home, the statement says, "as is common in the West. She married an American guy in February 2011 and is currently living with him in Florida. Mia has since lost contact with her family." Despite the family rift, Khalifa

Mia Khalifa has joined the growing ranks of Middle Eastern pinups after being crowned the Queen of Pornhub, one of the world's most popular porn websites. While the 21-year-old's raunchy antics have angered many in her native Lebanon and the Arab 

While she was busy celebrating her newfound status as PornHub's number one most popular pornstar, Mia Khalifa has received death threats via Twitter, from people in her home country of Lebanon and beyond.

While Lebanon is widely considered one of the most liberal Middle Eastern countries, many natives take issue with Khalifa's porn career and the tattoos she has that represent Lebanon, Newsweek reported. One of them is the beginning lines to the country

'You don't represent Lebanon!' a commentator told Mia Khalifa, a Lebanese porn star topping the porn charts across the world. AFP. Published: 01.07.15, 10:15 / Israel News. A Lebanese-born porn star living in the US has stirred fierce debate back home