Songs and death threats for Lebanese American porn star Mia Khalifa

Naturally, some don't approve. Twitter user Frunc wrote “Hijab is something holy, and beautiful, having sex on camera with it is degrading its meaning”. Khalifa responded on Twitter, posting “Doesn't the Middle East have more important things to worry

Florida State porn star Mia Khalifa is catching heat from Arabs who don't like that she's a porn actress.

On paper, Mia Khalifa is in a position to assume the role of Lebanon's cultural ambassador. The 21-year-old is well-educated and flourishing in her area of expertise, and she has legions of fans who support her. There's just one problem. Her area of

Mia Khalifa a devenit cea mai populara, dar si cea mai controversata actrita porno a momentului. Actrita in varsta de 21 de ani a devenit cea mai cautata starleta porno de pe site-ul PornHub, dupa retragerea actritei Lisa Ann.

No, this concern for Mia Khalifa feels more motherly, as if a voice crying in the Internet woods out to a younger woman, telling her it must feel amazing to make tons of money and be independent – but here's hoping there are ways we can do it by using