Small earthquake shakes SC, Ga.

Arecibo Observatory, the world's largest single-dish radio telescope, should look familiar to anyone who watched GoldenEye or Contact a lot as a kid. But an earthquake near the observatory did some serious damage last 

On Wednesday, a 6.9-magnitude earthquake struck one of China's most abundant northwestern regions of natural resources. The Xinjiang region endured several tremors within a two-hour timespan. Twenty of them were 

Source:China Meteorological News Press At 17:19 of February 12, a 7.3-magnitude quake struck in Yutian County of Hetian in southwest Xinjiang or about 36.1 degrees north latitude and 82.5 degrees east longitude.

There was some light rumbling under Lake Ontario late Wednesday caused by a minor earthquake.

Arecibo Observatory, the world's largest single-dish radio telescope, should look familiar to anyone who watched GoldenEye or Contact a lot as a kid. But an earthquake near the observatory did some serious damage last