Six reasons that Issue 3 crashed and burned in Ohio

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Hamilton County polling places will have to stay open until 9 p.m after supporters of Ohio's marijuana legalization measure filed a lawsuit late Tuesday to extend voting hours because of several voting problems reported there.

Issue 3 would legalize marijuana in the state of Ohio for recreational and medicinal use for people 21 years and older. The proposed amendment to the state constitution would sanction commercial pot growth at 10 

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) – ResponsibleOhio claims legal sales of marijuana in Ohio will generate $554,000 dollars in new tax revenue every year once the market stabilizes by the year 2020. But how would that money be split among the state's 88 

Art of War – Fighting back against Middle Eastern Terrorism – Vote Yes on Issue 3 and No on Issue 2. One thing that will happen is Ohio will make more tax revenue from marijuana grown and sold legally in Ohio instead of it 

In OHIO—a state as middle of the road as it gets—no less! And yet, Issue 3 is repugnant to many pro-legalizers because of those MGCEs. As Jacob Sullum notes, two of the biggest pro-pot groups, Marijuana Policy Project and