Sharon Stone's nude photos stoke controversy

Sharon Stone looked every inch a movie star while getting a manicure and pedicure in Beverly Hills, California on Wednesday. The 57-year-old Basic Instinct actress had something of a glam style while she got her nails done, wearing makeup and gold 

SHE WAS RUSHED to hospital back in 2001 with such a severe pain in her head she felt like she'd been shot – and Sharon Stone has spoken out for the first time about her brain injury.

Sharon Stone appears nude, wearing nothing but some Tiffany & Co. jewelry, in the September 2015 issue of Harper's Bazaar. In the accompanying interview, the 57-year-old says she felt comfortable enough in her own skin 

Sharon Stone looked every inch a movie star while getting a manicure and pedicure in Beverly Hills, California on Wednesday. The 57-year-old Basic Instinct actress had something of a glam style while she got her nails done, wearing makeup and gold 

Jason Kempin/Getty Images/File 2015. Sharon Stone. Philosopher Stone. 'If I believed that sexy was trying to be who I was when I did “Basic Instinct,” then we'd all be having a hard day today.' Sharon Stone, actress, talking about how she views herself