Shana Tova * Meet the Khorasan * Textbook drama: Wednesday's Roundup

Tonight is the start of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. This is the time of year when Jews of all stripes, including the unaffiliated, flock to synagogue. (Another is Yom Kippur, which begins Oct. 3.) Rabbi Jason Miller explains the peculiar system

May this Rosh HaShana usher in a year of peace and progress for all of humanity. A year without wars or walls! * DesertPeace and Associates wishes all of our Jewish readers and friends the best for the New Year! * * Shana 

May this Rosh HaShana usher in a year of peace and progress for all of humanity. A year without wars or walls! * DesertPeace and Associates wishes all of our Jewish readers and friends the best for the New Year! * * Shana 

Rosh Hashannah, Rosh Hashana, maybe spelled many ways in English, and some Shana Tova greetings are new while some are old favorites, wishing all a good, happy and healthy new year from The Real Jerusalem 

Ce sont les jeudi 25 et vendredi 26 septembre que les juifs de France célébreront le nouvel an du calendrier hébreu. Une fête très importante pour les juifs qui commémorent la création du monde. Durant ces deux jours, l'expression « Shana Tova » sera