Shaka Smart Not Actually Marquette's New Coach, Despite TV Reports

First, ESPN's Jeff Goodman is reporting that both Marquette and Wake Forest have reached out to Virginia Commonwealth head coach Shaka Smart. Marquette has shown a willingness to spend on its men's basketball coach, 

Shaka Smart has been a hot name for head coaching vacancies ever since he took Virginia Commonwealth University to the Final Four in 2011. Athletic Director Ron Wellman's first phone call should be to Mr. Smart. In fact 

Shaka Smart's VCU Rams were bounced from the NCAA tournament in the first second round last week by Stephen F. Austin thanks in part to the rare four-point play. Even so Smart remains one of the “hot” coaching 

Virginia Commonwealth head coach Shaka Smart gestures as his team plays Stephen F. Austin in the first half of a second-round game in the NCAA college basketball tournament March 21, 2014, in San Diego. (AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi) 

Shaka Smart is the most sought after head coaching candidate this offseason and for good reason. At just 36 years of age, he's already been to the Final Four, won the C.B.I., won at least 26 games in each of his five seasons,