Severe Weather in the Deep South: Confirmed Tornado Hits Prison Near …

For over a decade, a group of Northwest meteorologists and weather-affected groups lobbied incessantly to fill a huge gap in the National Weather Service radar network over the Washington coast and coastal waters. With a 

Images of serious damage to the Calhoun Correctional Institute state prison near Blountstown began to come in just after sunrise Monday morning, where radar confirmed a tornado was on the ground a few hours earlier. The prison sustained damage to 

Agricultural Research Service (ARS) meteorologists John Westbrook and Ritchie Eyster at the Southern Plains Agricultural Research Center in College Station focused on the capabilities of what is known as Next Generation Weather Radar, or NEXRAD.

Check out this weather radar GIF from the evening of July 20, which shows clouds of flies leaving the Upper Mississippi River in Wisconsin and taking to the air to breed. Mayfly Swarm In Wisconsin National Weather Service/ 

Check out this weather radar GIF from the evening of July 20, which shows clouds of flies leaving the Upper Mississippi River in Wisconsin and taking to the air to breed. Mayfly Swarm In Wisconsin National Weather Service/