Severe Weather, Flash Flooding Threat Continues in parts of the South …

Jason Selzler is the product manager for weather radar signal processing and software. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Minnesota – St. Cloud in the field of meteorology. Before joining Sigmet in 2005, the leading

The threat of severe weather and flash flooding will linger into Thursday night along a cold front from the mid-Atlantic to the Southeast and Gulf Coast. That said, the overall risk of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes should be considerably lower

The Bureau of Meteorology will upgrade the West Takone radar in 2016, with the radar offline when work commences early February. The new radar will provide higher resolution rain and Doppler wind images on the Bureau's website from early April 2016.

Jason Selzler is the product manager for weather radar signal processing and software. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Minnesota – St. Cloud in the field of meteorology. Before joining Sigmet in 2005, the leading

TODAY: A scattered coverage of supercell storms still appears probable heading into this afternoon and evening. These storms will be in an environment supportive of all modes of severe weather, including tornadoes, large hail, and damaging winds.