Seventeen Things that Caught My Eye Today (Ash Wednesday 2015 Edition)

Check out all the info on when Ash Wednesday 2015 is, aka the first day of Lent, and the date.

Check out all the info on when Ash Wednesday 2015 is, aka the first day of Lent, and the date.

Ash Wednesday comes a day after Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras popularly known as 'Fat Tuesday', which features various carnival sand parades in many countries. The most popular and notable celebration in the US is the New Orleans Mardi Gras Carnival.

Mark Ash Wednesday. Posted 8:08 am, February 18, 2015, by Brittany Lovette, Updated at 08:07am, February 18, 2015 Filed in: News. Topics: ash wednesday, lackawanna county, scranton, st. peter's cathedral, Wyoming Avenue 

Fasting requirements for Catholics are outlined by the Code of Canon Law, and include eating no meat on the Fridays during Lent, as well as fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. (Fasting in this case refers to eating just one full meal a day.).