Sebelius sendoff Everybody wins

Kathleen Sebelius is resigning as secretary of Health and Human Services, Bloomberg News and The New York Times reported Thursday. Two senior administration officials confirmed the news to The Huffington Post.

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is resigning six months after a disastrous rollout of President Barack Obama's signature health law, according to administration sources. On Friday, Obama will 

After holding tight to her position as Health and Human Services Secretary for five years, Kathleen Sebelius resigned earlier this evening. Sebelius became a household name in the fall for her role supervising the troubled rollout of the

Does the resignation of Kathleen Sebelius mean that Obamacare is succeeding or struggling—or even that it has failed?

Health Secrerary Kathleen Sebelius is resigning after a five-year term that will no doubt be remembered for the calamitous implementation of President Obama's signature legislation, the Affordable Care Act. If you remember, when the federal government