Scout Willis, Rihanna latest celebs championing exposed female nipples

In other Naked Rihanna news, the UK's Advertising Standards Authority has ruled that perfume ads featuring the nude star cannot be placed in areas where children would be likely to see the ad. (What, are they in cahoots with Instagram?) Even RiRi can't

"Holy crap" seems to be the general consensus in the Pret-a-Reporter newsroom regarding Rihanna's CFDA outfit, a custom, sheer Adam Selman number made from 216000 Swarovski crystals, that — in true Rihanna fashion 

Rihanna bared it ALL — literally — in a completely sheer dress at the CFDA Awards in NYC on June 2. Was this RiRi's way of showing Drake what he's missing out on now that the two have broken up? An EXCLUSIVE source 

Rihanna, 26, is the talk of the town at the moment thanks to her racy Adam Selman ensemble at the 2014 CFDA Fashion Awards on June 2 in NYC. After completely bearing it all on the red carpet, Rihanna did a total 180 and 

Rihanna bared it ALL — literally — in a completely sheer dress at the CFDA Awards in NYC on June 2. Was this RiRi's way of showing Drake what he's missing out on now that the two have broken up? An EXCLUSIVE source