Schatz, Hanabusa in race too close to call; Ige, Takai win primary races

"It's been exciting and rewarding," Ige said during an interview with Hawaii News Now on Saturday night. "We've proved that the people of Hawaii are listening, that the people of Hawaii cannot be bought. I'm just glad that all of us are rewarded by the

As Lieutenant Governor, Maui-based Tsutsui is spearheading the state's efforts to bring President Barack Obama's presidential library to Hawaii and is in charge of attracting major sporting events here. He also created an after-school enrichment

Hawaii Island Mayor Billy Kenoi was briefed by staff at the Emergency Operations Center in Hilo on Saturday on the Iselle clean-up and response. The Flash Flood Watch for Hawaii County has expired but a High Surf Advisory is still in effect for the

Mark Takai has won a crowded race within the Hawaii Democratic Party seeking the nomination to run to replace Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa in the U.S. House of Representatives 1st Congressional District. The other candidates who sought the 

Hawaii Island Mayor Billy Kenoi was briefed by staff at the Emergency Operations Center in Hilo on Saturday on the Iselle clean-up and response. The Flash Flood Watch for Hawaii County has expired but a High Surf Advisory is still in effect for the