Scandal Watch: Welcome Back, Gladiators

After a painfully long hiatus, Scandal finally returns Thursday night, and to be honest, we're a little worried. We think you might not be ready for all the sexiness that will be presented to you.

Behind this week's cover Photograph by Adrian Gaut; Jersey lettering by Justin MetzBehind this week's coverSitting in Memorial Hall at the heart of the Chapel Hill campus of the University of North Carolina, Mary Willingham wondered what William Friday 

During Thursday's (Feb. 27) episode, which featured a visit from "Scandal" star Kerry Washington, Kimmel had the pregnant actress and a handful of her co-stars show the world what the hit ABC thriller looks like when it airs 

"Grey's Anatomy" rose 11% from its mid-season finale to a 3.0 (9.3 million people watched total), while "Scandal" grew 3% to a 3.3. An Oscar countdown special averaged about 4.7 million viewers. "American Idol" fell a tenth of a point from last week to

Scandal in turn drew 9.3 mil and a 3.3, up in the demo from both its midseason finale (9.4 mil/3.2) and its Season 3A average (9.1 mil/3.1) and netting the show's second-best demo rating ever. RELATED | Grey's Anatomy