Scandal Watch: Welcome Back, Gladiators

Freek Spinnewijn, director of FEANTSA, an umbrella organisation of homelessness bodies across Europe, said it was a scandal that so many homes have been allowed to lie empty. "You would only need half of them to end 

Josh Cam, like Scandal, is back! After a winter break that left us all having to cope without Pope, ABC's crowned king of OMG TV is back. And to celebrate, we present you an all-new edition of EW's ongoing behind-the-scenes 

Josh Cam, like Scandal, is back! After a winter break that left us all having to cope without Pope, ABC's crowned king of OMG TV is back. And to celebrate, we present you an all-new edition of EW's ongoing behind-the-scenes 

"Grey's Anatomy" rose 11% from its mid-season finale to a 3.0 (9.3 million people watched total), while "Scandal" grew 3% to a 3.3. An Oscar countdown special averaged about 4.7 million viewers. "American Idol" fell a tenth of a point from last week to

While the Northern Hemisphere froze during Scandal's glacial two-month hiatus, Fitz and Olivia's relationship certainly wasn't put on ice. Within the first few minutes of the show's return, we saw that things have progressed to the point that the two