Sarah Palin Eviscerates Media for Celebrating, Rewarding 'Pedophile' Lena …

How about the “media's hell-bent mission to go after the entire Duggar family for one member's wrongdoing, while giving a total pass to perverted actions of someone like Lena Dunham—or any other left-winger celeb caught doing awful things?” According

While hating on Lena Dunham is, at this point, an odd national pastime, conservative Dunham demonization is particularly widespread and cruel. It's also strange—for all the fuss Breitbart & Co. made about Lena in her lingerie, you would think

Former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin is on the warpath again! She and her daughter Bristol both posted lengthy rants Thursday claiming Lena Dunham deserves just as much scrutiny and outrage as Josh Duggar.

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin eviscerated the mainstream press for celebrating and rewarding pedophile Lena Dunham while trying to crucify the Duggar family after revelations that 19 Kids and Counting star Josh Duggar molested four of his sisters 

“Hey, just a head's up: accusing women of supporting Hillary just because she's female is misogynistic BS- women are smart enough to make decisions based on a number of factors: policy, track record, campaign strategy,” Dunham wrote on an Instagram