Russian forces tighten grip on Crimea despite US warning

EU leaders in Brussels to meet Ukraine's new PM as Crimean MPs vote to join Russian Federation.

Ukraine's autonomous republic of Crimea wants Kiev to stay out of its business, and put its own house in order first, the Crimean parliament speaker has said, adding that local authorities can meanwhile take care of local 

Ukraine's statement at the UN that '16000 Russian soldiers had been deployed' across Crimea sparked a MSM feeding frenzy that steadfastly ignored any hard facts that got in their way.

Also on Saturday, secretary of state John Kerry warned his Russian counterpart that any steps to annex the Crimea region would “close any available space for diplomacy”. Kerry, who this week visited Kiev, spoke by telephone to foreign minister Sergei 

At first, Rustem Kadyrov could barely make out the mark outside his house, in the Crimean town of Bakhchysarai, but it filled him with terror. It was an X, cut deep into the gray metal of the gate, and its significance cut even deeper, evoking a memory