Rumor aside, Betty White is not Dead

A rumor about the death of Betty White has been making the rounds today, started by a “satire” website called Empire News (think The Onion, only not at all funny). Apparently, they thought it would be hilarious to produce a post about how Betty White

An article that read, “Betty White, 92, Dyes Peacefully In Her Los Angeles Home” quickly took over the internet of Sept. 3. As expected, fans started to worry that the actress had really died at the age of 92. However, the article was published on the

Betty White is not dead. A satirical article about Betty White dyeing her hair caused a flurry of RIPs on social media, leading many to think the actress had died rather than dyed. “Actress Betty White, 92, dyes peacefully in her 

Betty White, everyone's favorite golden girl, has some shocking staying power. Well, of course she does. She has continued to be a favorite of several generations of TV watchers. Some people started watching her on The 

Like many a viral rumor, this one began on Empire News, a less-than-funny “satire” site that actually mustered a bit of wit on this one: Their headline was actually “Actress Betty Whites, 92, Dyes Peacefully In Her Los Angeles Home” and the story was