Row brewing over pledge for more English MP powers

A spokeswoman for Police Scotland said there were about 100 people in each of the two groups, and although there had been some "minor disorder" it had been dealt with quickly by officers. BBC Scotland reporter Cameron Buttle, who was at the scene, said 

Is invisibility possible? The history of camouflage and our limited understanding of how creatures hide in nature may make the task trickier than it seems.

Battle lines are being drawn as the main UK parties figure out how to make good on their promise to give both Scotland and England more say over how they are run. They have agreed on a timetable for giving more powers to the Scottish Parliament after 

The BBC's Hugh Schofield in Paris says it is the first sign of President Hollande's determination to join military action against IS. On Monday, France – which opposed the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq – hosted an international conference on the crisis

If you want to understand why Minecraft-maker Mojang is being bought by Microsoft, just play the game. The single-player version is about a lone individual surviving in a harsh world with only their ingenuity to keep them safe.