Rolling Stone's disastrous U-Va. story: A case of real media bias

Journalists are paid to be skeptical and to distinguish facts from assertions: Don't get too close to your sources and check what they tell you. Rolling Stone magazine, it appears, ignored both principles in its explosive story, “A Rape on Campus.”.

Rolling Stone magazine said Friday that it found discrepancies in its controversial story about an alleged gang rape of a woman named "Jackie" at the University of Virginia and had lost faith in the piece — a shocking retreat coming merely days after

(CNN) — Rolling Stone magazine apologized Friday for discrepancies in an article about the alleged gang rape of a University of Virginia student, after friends of the victim expressed doubts about the woman's account and the accused fraternity chapter 

After several weeks of growing criticism of a story alleging that seven members of a University of Virginia fraternity gang raped a student, Rolling Stone has issued a partial retraction, admitting it “misplaced” trust in the 

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