Roger Goodell Says NFL Will Revamp Personal Conduct Policy

During one of the most turbulent periods in NFL history, commissioner Roger Goodell went silent for nine days. After his robotic press conference filled with too much fluff and too little substance, the league, its fans and — especially — its players

Roger Goodell says he will NOT resign as NFL Commissioner and believes he has the full support of the NFL owners.Goodell addressed the media at a news…

Benjy Bronk, a writer for The Howard Stern Show, is the person that (loudly) interrupted Roger Goodell's conference on the NFL's new personal conduct policy, screaming "Don't take me to an elevator," as he was escorted 

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell held a press conference for the first time since the Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson fiascos derailed the NFL season on Friday. He reiterated that he made a mistake in initially suspending Rice 

During one of the most turbulent periods in NFL history, commissioner Roger Goodell went silent for nine days. After his robotic press conference filled with too much fluff and too little substance, the league, its fans and — especially — its players