Rodner Figueroa: Michelle Obama Got Me Fired From Univision

presentadora de televisión Myrka Dellanos se sumó a las personalidades que criticaron los comentarios, calificados como racistas, de Rodner Figueroa, quien comparó a la Primera Dama de Estados Unidos, Michelle Obama, con un simio en lo que 

The following video is of poor quality but it shows Rodner Figueroa on “El Gordo y La Flaca” describing Michelle Obama's physical features as being from the cast of the movie Planet of the Apes (El planeta de los simios in 

Univision fired the talk show host Rodner Figueroa after he said that Michelle Obama looked like someone from the cast of the film “Planet of the Apes.” Mr. Figueroa, a fashion and entertainment commentator on the programs “Sal y Pimienta,” “Primer

I do wonder that if former Univision host Rodner Figueroa had said what he said on Spanish-language television 10 years ago, he would still be part of the Univision family today, for the very reason that Spanish-language 

I was reminded of those painful experiences after hearing Univision host Rodner Figueroa's derisive comments of Michelle Obama, a smart and beautiful role model who has done so much for this country. He followed the comments with efforts to defend