Rising Interest Rates Create More Losers Than Winners

MEXICO CITY–The Bank of Mexico raised interest rates for the first time since 2008, despite record-low inflation and relatively slow economic growth, as the central bank seeks to avoid further pressure on the peso after a sharp depreciation this year.

Here at Dolan Lexus they say December is typically the most profitable month of the year, and this year will be no different. That's despite the fact interest rates have gone up a quarter of a percent. “So far nobody has asked about the interest rates

MEXICO CITY–The Bank of Mexico raised interest rates for the first time since 2008, despite record-low inflation and relatively slow economic growth, as the central bank seeks to avoid further pressure on the peso after a sharp depreciation this year.

MEXICO CITY–The Bank of Mexico raised interest rates for the first time since 2008, despite record-low inflation and relatively slow economic growth, as the central bank seeks to avoid further pressure on the peso after a sharp depreciation this year.

Wednesday's move by The Fed to hike short-term interest rates by 0.25% doesn't mean that long-term rates — like mortgage interest rates — will immediately rise. But the run of low mortgage rates will certainly end eventually. Whether it's sooner or