Riot wants to pay for your League of Legends security hacks and exploits

Preface Chatter Hey everyone, I was out of commission for about a week due to work, but I did see the great artwork you guys put up Since we're all waiting around for the new season, there aren't many updates this time 

So let's spend some time highlighting the awesome behaviors in our community. If you're a positive player in League, and are OK sharing some of your recent chat logs with the rest of the community, please post a reply here!

Hi Summoners, Welcome to patch 4.19! Not much in terms of design content as we continue work behind the scenes on the 2015 preseason and the eventual arrival of the updated Summoner's Rift. As a reminder, this is the 

Fearless and Axes here to talk about the jungle changes coming in the upcoming 2015 Preseason. Our big goal this time around is to bring strategic diversity back to jungle. Currently a small pool of optimal junglers has been skewing team 

Fearless and Axes here to talk about the jungle changes coming in the upcoming 2015 Preseason. Our big goal this time around is to bring strategic diversity back to jungle. Currently a small pool of optimal junglers has been skewing team