Right whales saved by ship restrictions, NOAA says

According to NOAA's Climate Prediction Center, neutral conditions are favored into the Northern Hemisphere fall 2013. Images of sea surface temperature conditions are available for all weeks during 2013 from the weekly SST page.

Please remember, NOAA will only take seriously comments that address the specific document, which in this case is the science behind the numbers but is also the lack of a broader scope. NOAA promises to release the peer reviewer reports and NOAA's 

NASA and NOAA are watching a massive sunspot that is just rotating onto the Earth side of the disc. AR1944 is being described as a 'behemoth'. It dwarfs anything we have seen for a long time, making regular sized sunspots 

"Since the ship-speed restrictions went into effect, no known fatal ship strikes of North Atlantic right whales have occurred in the management zones," deputy NOAA administrator Mark Schaefer said in the release. "This rule is working. Before this rule

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