Review: '300: Rise of an Empire' ups wow factor

“300: Rise of an Empire” isn't a sequel to “300” as much as a parallel-quel, catching up with the Athenian-led Grecian forces at the same time that “300's” King Leonidas and his Spartans are getting their toned tushies kicked at Thermopylae. While no

Much like the brave but ultimately doomed Spartan soldiers of "300," Eva Green might have been up against insurmountable odds in her role as Artemisia in "300: Rise of an Empire," Zack Snyder's sequel to his 2007 hit. Film critics agree that Green's 

Though not without its faults, 300: Rise of an Empire delivers exactly what it promises: meticulously choreographed fight sequences punctuated by huge splashes of blood and an unapologetic, un-ironic embrace of martial 

After a modest February, things should start picking up across the board at the box office as we enter March. This weekend, Warner Bros. and Legendary's macho sequel 300: Rise of an Empire debuts against DreamWorks' 

Classical historians disagree, but it was probably Herodotus who first posed a question that would ring out across the ages, unanswered till now: Wouldn't Eva Green look awesome kissing the severed head of an insolent captive? “300: Rise of an Empire”