Rest easy, Veronica Mars Kickstarter fans: WB will refund iTunes & Amazon …

After devoted Kickster backers of the Veronica Mars Movie complained about being forced to use the studio-approved Flixster/Ultraviolet service to watch the film, Warner Brothers is stepping up. Veronica Mars creator Rob 

This is very good news for the “Marshmallows” — fans of the “Veronica Mars” series that ran from 2004 to 2007 on UPN and its successor network, the CW, before getting canned between seasons. In practical terms, it's irrelevant to everyone else. The

Deadline caught up with Veronica Mars creator and executive producer Rob Thomas tonight at the Dolby Theatre before the opening panel of PaleyFest 2014, which celebrated a reunion of the former CW show's cast prior to 

The same passion that drove Veronica Mars fans to contribute over $5.7 million to help a movie version of the beloved television show come to life fed some vitriol after a number of Kickstarter backers were unable to 

WARNING: We'll be discussing major spoilers and plot points from the Veronica Mars movie. Proceed with caution.] A dude with the name Stosh Piznarski was never going to have an easy time.