Republican John James Out-Raises Incumbent Dem Gary Peters by $1 Million in Fourth Quarter of Michigan Senate Race

Republican John James Out-Raises Incumbent Dem Gary Peters by $1 Million in Fourth Quarter of Michigan Senate RaceRepublican Senate candidate John James out-raised incumbent Gary Peters (D., Mich.) for the second straight quarter, further tightening an already competitive race for a vulnerable Senate seat.James’s campaign said it raised $3.5 million in the fourth quarter, $1 million more than Peters in the same time frame, securing a higher margin than James’s $600k advantage in the third quarter. While Peters’ campaign says it has $8 million in cash on hand, a poll last month showed James surging to a narrow lead in the race, and Peters’ job disapproval rating increasing to 7 percent.In a December interview, Peters seemed to endorse the Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal resolution, saying “I believe we can” when asked if the U.S. can realistically transition the economy to zero-net emissions by 2050.“We have to push the technology as aggressively as we can,” the senator said. “. . . We should look at this as an economic opportunity to drive our economy while also doing the right thing for the environment.”Peters, who voted “present” when the resolution was brought to the Senate floor for a vote in March, said a month later that he backed certain aspects of the Green New Deal, but remained vague on what specifically attracted him, save for one specific detail.“There’s no question we’re going to need to make a massive effort to deal with this issue [climate change], and there are many aspects of the Green New Deal I support, particularly when it comes to retrofitting buildings,” Peters said at the time.

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