Regular service resumes for MBTA lines

A federal judge has upheld the MBTA's refusal to post an advertisement that implied Palestinians are "savages."

The MBTA prevailed in a court battle over the rejection of 'Pro-Israel' advertisements that a group wanted to post at some of the busiest stops and stations along the transit system. According to a 24-page ruling from a U.S. District Court judge, dated

A federal judge has upheld the MBTA's refusal to post an advertisement that implied Palestinians are "savages."

For the low, low price of $1 million, corporations and businesses can slap their name on select MBTA stops or stations, or even name an entire rapid transit line after their brand. This week the MBTA put out Requests for Proposals for the naming rights

The MBTA Retirement Fund does not hold public meetings or publish minutes, and it's fighting a law the governor signed last summer to make its records public. This is a staggering show of arrogance, as the FBI and SEC investigate a failed $25 million