Ray Rice eligible to play after winning appeal of NFL suspension

Any clown with Internet access can write whatever he wants and put it on the web, for all (or, more likely, almost none) to see. For instance, in an article published Thursday morning entitled “This is the best Thanksgiving in NFL history,” some nitwit

John Keim: The Redskins have lost consecutive games and have benched Robert Griffin III for Colt McCoy. So the usual late-season drama has enveloped the franchise once again. McCoy led Washington to an upset win at Dallas, and the Redskins could 

NEW ORLEANS – A NFL player's take on Ferguson has gone viral. Benjamin Watson, a tight end for the New Orleans Saints, said he heard about the grand jury's decision not to indict Ferguson officer Darren Wilson while he 

John Keim: The Redskins have lost consecutive games and have benched Robert Griffin III for Colt McCoy. So the usual late-season drama has enveloped the franchise once again. McCoy led Washington to an upset win at Dallas, and the Redskins could 

Ray Rice won an appeal of his indefinite suspension for knocking out his wife and will be immediately eligible to play NFL football. So…which team is looking to absorb a ferocious tsunami of bad PR to sign a running back