Rapper BoB Insists Earth Is Flat. Take That, Neil deGrasse Tyson.

During last week's “Friday Night Fights” on The Late Show, Stephen Colbert argued Marvel villain Thanos could kick Santa's butt. He lost, but this time he brought Neil deGrasse Tyson on to explain who would win in a new standoff.

During last week's “Friday Night Fights” on The Late Show, Stephen Colbert argued Marvel villain Thanos could kick Santa's butt. He lost, but this time he brought Neil deGrasse Tyson on to explain who would win in a new standoff.

It turns out while we were all losing sleep over important matters like if Making a Murderer's filmmakers left out crucial evidence, physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson was engaged in an epic philosophical battle for the ages with rapper B.o.B. over whether

What happens when you're an award-nominated rapper and you think the Earth is flat? Naturally, you produce a diss track that both tries to argue that the Earth is flat while also taking shots at one of the world's smarted people. That's what rapper B

“Neil deGrasse Tyson is not only an incredibly accomplished astrophysicist, but also a very gifted communicator who blends pop culture and humor to make science accessible and fun, making him — and StarTalk — a great fit for National Geographic