Rand Paul launches 2016 bid with attack on GOP

Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) started his presidential campaign on Tuesday. Unfortunately for him, in the rush to launch he had a little typo on his new website. We all make typos on the internet. It happens! Unfortunately for Paul, the typo was in just about

I believe we must abolish Common Core and give control back to the states, localities and parents," Paul says on the issue page. In a video on the page, Paul, a small-government advocate, adds that he also wants to abolish the Department of Education.

No Republican presidential contender has done more at this stage to woo Silicon Valley and the tech community than Rand Paul has. The Kentucky senator – who is expected to announce his presidential bid this week – opened an office in Austin and has 

Senator Rand Paul's entry on Tuesday into the race for the White House said as much about his own political aspirations as it did about a vexing truth for Republicans: Many of them believe their party is simply not big enough to elect a president in 2016.

Senator Rand Paul, a Kentucky man who seems markedly less crazy than his crazy old dad, is set to announce his run for the President of the United States today. Paul, who is anti-abortion, anti-birth control, somewhat