Queen Elizabeth II Becomes Britain's Longest-Reigning Monarch

Though a lot has changed during the 63 years and 7 months that Queen Elizabeth has ruled, one thing has stayed consistent: her taste buds. “The royal table hasn't changed much at all in 63 years,” former palace chef Darren McGrady tells PEOPLE.

It turns out that, despite being the monarch of millions of people (and one of the battle-scarred claimants of The Iron Throne), Elizabeth Windsor, queen of England, is just like the rest of us. That is, on her downtime from waving 

The record books will be re-written today as Queen Elizabeth II becomes Britain's longest serving monarch. Her Majesty overtakes Queen Victoria's 23,226 days on Wednesday, September 9, 2015. A descendant of the House of Windsor, the young Elizabeth 

WATCH ABOVE: In honour of the Queen's remarkable achievement, the Naval Museum of Alberta held a special ceremony Wednesday, which included the addition of some new items. Global's Doug Vaessen reports. CALGARY – Calgarians joined the 

WATCH ABOVE: In honour of the Queen's remarkable achievement, the Naval Museum of Alberta held a special ceremony Wednesday, which included the addition of some new items. Global's Doug Vaessen reports. CALGARY – Calgarians joined the