Preliminary magnitude 3.5 earthquake hits near Baldwin Hills

A network of smartphones could deliver early earthquake warnings in areas of the world that are prone to quakes but cannot afford more expensive systems, according to new research. The technique relies on the GPS sensors built into the phones to detect 

A small earthquake rumbled near the town of Cushing, Okla., in Payne County Sunday evening. A 3.3 magnitude temblor was recorded at 5:55 p.m. two miles west northwest of Cushing, or about 54 miles northeast of the Oklahoma City metro, at a depth of 

The temblor, rated a 3.6 on the Richter scale, had its epicenter about two miles southeast of Somers, and started almost 4 1/2 miles under the surface of the Earth beneath Flathead Lake, according to the United States Geological Survey. The quake began 

An early warning system for earthquakes can't come soon enough for the US, which is lagging behind other seismically active countries like Mexico and Japan. But for an early warning system to be effective it needs lots of 

New research from the United States shows that ordinary smartphone sensors could one day be used to give several seconds' warning of an earthquake.