Powdered Alcohol 'Palcohol' Sounds Like An Accident Waiting To Happen

A controversial powdered alcohol product called Palcohol, intended to be mixed into drinks, has gained approval from a federal agency. Palcohol first made news last spring when it briefly received the greenlight from the 

And, today the North Dakota Senate voted to ban it before it hits the shelves. "At this time we thought we should completely limit the sale of that in the state," says Sen. Jon Casper. Co-sponsors of the bill Sen. Jon Casper and Rep. Alisa Mitskog say

America's first powdered alcohol has been approved. Again. The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) has given the greenlight to Palcohol, a powdered alcohol that you mix with water to make, well, liquid 

MILWAUKEE (WITI) — There's beer, and there's wine…how about “Palcohol?” Powdered alcohol, or “'Palcohol,” has been federally approved to be sold in stores. But some lawmakers want it banned before it even hits store 

Simply add water, and the the product Palcohol becomes an alcoholic drink. It's something that's been getting a lot of buzz after the federal government gave its approval this week. But already, lawmakers are working to ban it. Time Warner Cable News