Powdered Alcohol 'Palcohol' Sounds Like An Accident Waiting To Happen

A controversial powdered alcohol product called Palcohol, intended to be mixed into drinks, has gained approval from a federal agency. Palcohol first made news last spring when it briefly received the greenlight from the 

Palcohol first made news last spring when it briefly received the greenlight from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, before the bureau backtracked and said the label approvals had been given in error.

March 12, 2015 3:29 PM EDT – Palcohol creator Mark Phillips discusses his product, freeze-dried powdered alcohol, which has been approved by federal regulators and could hit liquor store shelves across the country by summer. (Palcohol) 

Whether Colorado aims to ban or regulate powdered alcohol — or both — seemed almost beside the point in the Colorado House of Representatives Wednesday morning. Instead, it was a skirmish only the Merriam brothers and Noah Webster could love, 

The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board voted unanimously Wednesday to deny powdered alcoholic products from having a place on the shelves of state-owned liquor stores. The vote effectively bans the products from the Keystone State, since the PLCB