Postscript: Mike Nichols (1931-2014)

Marrying Nichols changed that. He had a Manhattan townhouse, a home in Santa Barbara, California, and a Connecticut country home, and she embraced it all. "I thought I'd died and gone to heaven when I moved in with Mike and discovered his homes 

Celebrated stage and film director Mike Nichols died suddenly Wednesday, ABC News President James Goldston announced this morning. He was 83.

Mike Nichols died yesterday at the age of eighty-three. For those who knew and loved him—I count myself among them—his passing is no ordinary loss. Mike was inimitable. The son of a White Russian émigré and a German beauty, Nichols arrived in 

Mike Nichols' career spanned several decades and many beloved films. Here are some of the highlights.

In the February issue of Ladies' Home Journal, Diane Sawyer opened up about life with husband Mike Nichols, saying he was "more romantic" than her.