Pope Francis poses for 'selfies' after Palm Sunday homily

It was the palm branches that made this day unique, and then again, it wasn't. For centuries, the church has memorialized today, the first day of Holy Week, as Palm Sunday because of the palm branches and cloaks that the 

Growing up in heavily Catholic Pittsburgh, I always had Palm Sunday in the back of my mind somewhere, but it was not really brought to the forefront until a bishop on our family ward in Philadelphia tried to plan a Palm 

Growing up in heavily Catholic Pittsburgh, I always had Palm Sunday in the back of my mind somewhere, but it was not really brought to the forefront until a bishop on our family ward in Philadelphia tried to plan a Palm 

N.T. Wright on Palm Sunday. April 12, 2014 By Michael F. Bird Leave a Comment. Over at ABC Religion and Ethics, N.T. Wright writes On Palm Sunday, Jesus Rides into the Perfect Storm. Here's a taste: If we try to follow Jesus in faith and 

Pope Francis, background center, walks in procession as he celebrates a Palm Sunday mass in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican, Sunday, April 13, 2014. Pope Francis, center, celebrates a Palm Sunday mass in St. Peter's Square,. Photo By Gregorio Borgia