PlayStation Network and Xbox Live go down on Christmas

UPDATE: The PlayStation Network and Sony Entertainment Network are back online and people can now enjoy the services on their PlayStation devices. The networks were taken offline due to a distributed denial of service 

The PlayStation Network and Xbox Live online gaming services are taking Christmas Day off, it seems. Both are offline for some, if not all, players, according to the network status page for each service, as well as, of course, 

Another corner of Sony, the PlayStation Network that connects gamers to both the Sony online store and multiplayer game play on Sony devices, was attacked and out of commission temporarily Sunday. People who 

UPDATE: The PlayStation Network and Sony Entertainment Network are back online and people can now enjoy the services on their PlayStation devices. The networks were taken offline due to a distributed denial of service 

Merry Christmas, gamers: Both Xbox Live and PlayStation Network are down this morning, apparently due to a denial-of-service attack. The notorious hacking group Lizard Squad — which already carried out earlier attacks on Microsoft and Sony — has