Photos: KHOU 11 viewer weather photos

Slideshow: KHOU viewers' weather photos. Loading KHOU 11 viewers' photos of high water, street flodding, heavy rain and hail moving through the area. KHOU 11 viewers' photos of high water, street flodding, heavy rain and hail moving through the area.

least 5 killed in Houston-area flooding. Officials say at least four people have been found dead in their vehicles during extreme flooding across the Houston area Monday. A fifth drowned in Waller County. Staff and Rucks Russell, KHOU 4:19 AM.

KHOU 11 viewers' photos of high water, street flodding, heavy rain and hail moving through the area. CONNECT TWEET LINKEDIN GOOGLE+ PINTEREST. What is the weather like where you live? Is there flooding or wind damage? Submit your weather 

HOUSTON – KHOU 11 was in the middle of a live report when an older man was caught on camera trying to wade his way out of the flooding along Allen Parkway. Buffalo Bayou spilled out of its banks during heavy rain across southeast Houston early Monday 

Residents, many with small children, used air mattresses, refrigerators, plastic bins and anything else they could find that would float away from their homes. Staff , KHOU 12:11 AM. EST April 19, 2016. Greenspoint residents escape their