Photos: KHOU 11 viewer weather photos

Red Cross volunteers are on standby for the severe weather expected to move in to the Houston area Monday morning. KHOU 11:59 PM. EST April 17, 2016. CONNECT TWEET LINKEDIN GOOGLE+ PINTEREST. HOUSTON – Local Red Cross volunteers are 

HOUSTON – Officials say at least four people were found dead in their vehicles during extreme flooding across the Houston area Monday. A fifth victim died in Waller County. One of the victims was found in a submerged 18-wheeler cab on the N. Beltway 8 

Good Samaritans rescue four after boat catches fire. Good Samaritans rescued four people who were caught on a boat engulfed in flames Saturday evening. KHOU 11 News reporter Rucks Russell spoke with one of the Good Samaritans. See more video4 of 

Families trapped by floodwaters used whatever they could to get through the high water including a refrigerator. KHOU 3:29 PM. EST April 18, 2016. Heartbreaking images out of the Greenspoint area where desperate families have been trying to escape the 

KHOU 11 viewers' photos of high water, street flodding, heavy rain and hail moving through the area. CONNECT TWEET LINKEDIN GOOGLE+ PINTEREST. What is the weather like where you live? Is there flooding or wind damage? Submit your weather