Peyton Manning Charity Raises $25K From 'Omaha' Calls

Peyton Manning accomplished two things Sunday: He earned his third trip to the Super Bowl with a win over the Patriots and he helped raise a good chunk of change for charity in the process. How'd he do that? By yelling "Omaha!" 31 times during the 

From Yahoo Sports: Peyton Manning is from Louisiana, but he sure loves "Omaha." The Broncos quarterback created a new drinking game by yelling "Omaha" at the line 44 times on Sunday against the Chargers, by our Jay 

Peyton Manning has been yelling "Omaha" because the majority of his team's snaps during the playoffs. Here's the reason why.

Neuheisel said that Manning will have a code word — a "freeze" call that probably changes every week — that essentially tells the offense to ignore the upcoming Omaha. That way, he barks the freeze word, then "Omaha," in an effort to: a) get the

Photo Credit: ESPN As we prepared for the AFC Championship game on Sunday, it appeared that everyone and their mother was doing a feature on the popular "O.