Palcohol powdered alcohol could be headed to a store near you

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau approved Palcohol's powdered vodka, rum, and other cocktails “in error,” Tom Hogue, the agency's director of congressional and public affairs, said in an email. The agency has not responded to any further 

Why sip on a nice glass of scotch when you can get tipsy on salad instead? A new product called Palcohol takes the pesky liquid out of your favorite drinks; turning them into a potent powder you can just sprinkle on your hamburger for an extra "kick.

In an update yesterday, Palcohol said it's been in touch with the TTB and "there seemed to be a discrepancy on our fill level, how much powder is in the bag." This doesn't mean that Palcohol isn't approved, just that the labels 

Palcohol is the creation of Mark Phillips and his Arizona-based company, Lipsmark, LLC, which was founded in 2012. Patents are pending on the product and the processes behind it, so few details are available on just 

April 21, 2014, 5 pm ET, Update: The Palcohol company has surrendered all seven label approvals back to TTB. Here is one of the labels as approved on April 8, 2014 and then the same label as “surrendered” April 21.