Palcohol may not be the nation's first powdered alcohol after all

According to the product website, Palcohol is expected to launch this fall. Six versions are on tap to be released including a Vodka flavor that has been distilled four times, a plain rum powder, and four cocktail powers – Cosmopolitan, Mojito

Let's talk about the elephant in the room.snorting Palcohol. Yes, you can snort it. And you'll get drunk almost instantly because the alcohol will be absorbed so quickly in your nose. Good idea? No. It will mess you up.

A product called "Palcohol" gained widespread attention online in recent days after it was reported that the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau approved the powdered alcohol, including vodka and rum varieties. But a representative for the federal 

Over the last couple of days you might've heard that a company called Palcohol has been cleared to market powdered alcohol in the United States. It sounds exciting! And scary! Are we all going to be drowning in boozy 

A product called "Palcohol" gained widespread attention online in recent days after it was reported that the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau approved the powdered alcohol, including vodka and rum varieties. But a representative for the federal