Paczki Bombs: Vodka-infused Polish treat draws crowd

KALAMAZOO — Paczki mania is underway as deep fryers worked overtime at Sweetwater's Donut Mill, MacKenzies' and Sarkozy bakeries. It's Fat Tuesday and time to devour deep fried pieces of dough prepared in the Polish tradition — on the day before 

Tell your morning doughnut to take the day off. Instead, fill up on a fastnacht, and then school any southcentral Pennsylvania newbies with the skinny on the region's fabulously fattening tradition. What is a fastnacht? If you're asking this, welcome

Starting at 10 a.m. get a beer and paczek pairing for five bucks. [EaterWire]. OAK PARK/WEST BLOOMFIELD —€” Looking for even more non-traditional paczki flavors? Peteet's Famous Cheesecakes is offering cheesecake and boozy margarita paczki today.

Tell your morning doughnut to take the day off. Instead, fill up on a fastnacht, and then school any southcentral Pennsylvania newbies with the skinny on the region's fabulously fattening tradition. What is a fastnacht? If you're asking this, welcome

The fourth- and fifth-generation bakers are the first to offer paczki at the family owned bakery, Morris Bakery. "We started making them around 2000 after I saw a polish bakery featured on the news," Bob said. "It's become our biggest day of the year.".