Outpouring of resilience fuels Boston Marathon

This guy, Seth Wold, ran fast enough to catch up to the elite runners in the Boston Marathon and actually was in the lead for a short while. After two-and-a-half miles, though, he slacked his and finished the race with an 

This guy, Seth Wold, ran fast enough to catch up to the elite runners in the Boston Marathon and actually was in the lead for a short while. After two-and-a-half miles, though, he slacked his and finished the race with an 

BOSTON (CBS) — Boston was a marathon within a marathon for one older runner from Hull. She stepped off from Hopkinton at 11 in the morning and crossed the finish line at 7:30 at night. And even though she was the last regular runner to finish, today

Marathons are massively difficult enterprises for the people who participate, feats of incredible endurance that are accompanied by a staggering physical toll. Sometimes, the people who train and train are simply unable to finish. That happened on

Marathons are massively difficult enterprises for the people who participate, feats of incredible endurance that are accompanied by a staggering physical toll. Sometimes, the people who train and train are simply unable to finish. That happened on